In September 2018 I’ve attended adaptTo() the fifth times in a row 4th times. Unfortunately I missed adaptTo() 2017 but I visited the conf in 2018 again. This year the organizers made the decision to rent a bigger venue in Potsdam, Germany.
adaptTo() is a technical meetup aimed at developers using the Apache Sling, Jackrabbit/Oak and Felix stack. 2018 was the eighth edition. Sessions also covered commercial implementations such as Adobe Experience Manager, with a particular focus on how these products leverage the Sling stack.
adaptTo() 2018 had 25 talks plus lightning talks, a playground session, hands-on labs and about 270 participants.
The slides and source code (if applicable) can be downloaded from the adaptTo() web site:
Below are my take aways from the conference.
Best practices
- Integrating a modern frontend framework
- This is one of the most important decisions/activities on AEM projects.
- In the talk you can learn about how to choose a modern frontend for an AEM project.
- They recommend the following setup
- Use Webpack to manage the frontend build tasks
- Store the frontend code in component folders
- Traverse the component folders for finding, compiling the frontend sources
- There is a maven frontend plugin “Maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-node-plugin to end all maven-node-grunt-gulp-npm-plugins.”:
- Be careful with lazy loading (of below the fold content) from SEO perspective
- Use server side rendering techniques
- Here you can read a lot more about Robust Configurations for AEM
- SPAs
- Adobe releases the SPA editor for AEM in these days.
- It is based on the Sling model exporters (@Exporter annotation)
- There will be a demo site: We.Retail Journal
- Alternatives
- Generic React helpers and components supporting AEM authoring.:
- React DOM Components: this is an alternative for those who cannot invest into the full SPA editor
- Migrating to Touch UI
- My key take aways here:
- Reuse the existing content data structure in JCR (e.g. ensure the touch UI multified uses the same persistence)
- Ensure co-existence of classic + touch components and their clientlibs
- Avoid coralui 2 components and deprecated coralui 3 components
- Be aware of AEM’s sustainable upgrades approach, which raises a numer of constraints regarding what OOB functionality can or can’t be overlaid.
- My key take aways here:
- Modern authentication in Sling with OpenID Connect and Keycloak
- Keycloak
- Free, backed by Redhat
- Supportsseveral SSO protocols: OpenID Connect, SAML, CAS
- The approach
- Authentication: Servlet filter, authentication handler
- Authorization: Keycloak access control
- User provisioning: external identity data exchange solution is proposed, e.g. SCIM
- Keycloak
- Integration of web apps into AEM sites
- There was a great summary of the various approaches, highlighting the pros/cons. Look at the slides if you need to implement the same.
- Content invalidation
- This presentation filled a gap. They covered the topic of content invalidation in a thorough but enjoyable session. We learnt about the caching layers, invalidation models.
- A few key learnings
- Never purge the entire cache. Invalidate as precisely as possible.
- Plan invalidation at the beginning of the project. Don’t leave it to the end.
- It is possible to setup script on the DSP that can perform extra work when DSP cache is cleared. E.g. invalidate related resources or clear CDN cache by the DSP script.
- Use the power of the Surrogate-Key HTTP response header to invalidate all pages that e.g. use a certain layout. Not supported by Adobe DSP, but other caches (Fastly) support it.
- How to analyze and tune deployments & upgrades
- In this presentation we got a great overview of the evolution of upgrades from Adobe managed services.
- They’ve analysed many projects to come up with the best approach for sustainable upgrades.
- If you have a huge (really huge!) repository and need to upgrade, look at their presentation.
- Cluster deployment using Docker
- Many of us have already realized container based AEM deployments.
- However in this presentation they came up with a new idea that solves the problem of the monolithic, shared repository, in order to make AEM a better fit to Docker based deployments.
- The idea is to use the composite node store, and store the read-only parts in the docker image (/libs, /apps), while storing contents in the shared repository.
- Those who are interested can sign up the AEM Docker beta program.
- Sling developer tooling
- The community recognized that the market share of IntelliJ IDEA is higher than that of Eclipse.
- Refactoring of the Sling dev tools was initiated to support easy porting to other IDEs
- IDE support
- Eclipse
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Netbeans (PoC only)
- + CLI (command line)
- Maven archetypes for AEM
- There are 3 popular archetypes
- The official one from the Adobe Marketing Cloud
- – This is the most feature rich archetype
- Webpack support
- features (CONGA, AEM mocks)
- Feature flags to control what is needed in the resulting project
- Lazybones templates by Adobe consulting
- A more interactive project creation tool that I would position between the above two
- We also learnt about a configuration management archetype for setting up AEM infrastructure and application.
- Ansible automation – used for cloud deployment provisioning
- Terraform – for AWS resource generating
- Can be used to create local environment with Vagrant
- Sensitive data encrypted using Ansible Vault
- CONGA is used instead of runmode specific configurations
- There are 3 popular archetypes
- Gradle AEM plugin
- An AEM plugin to build rapidly AEM applications using Gradle Build System Gradle Sling plugin – fork of the AEM plugin
- Felix search plugin
- A useful Felix plugin that searches for classes in OSGi console, de-compiles into java code and makes the code download able
- System ready framework
- This is an upcoming solution for checking if AEM system is ready. This is a typical issue for those who want to automate AEM deployments and need to know when the system has started, finished indexing, etc.
- Easy content upgrade with Groovy Console
- Groovy Console is a great tool. But these people made it even greater by adding many new features
- Automated script execution on deployment time
- Consolidated history
- Runmode support
- More features on the UI (batch execution, etc.)
- Health check
- And many more…
- Groovy Console is a great tool. But these people made it even greater by adding many new features
- AEM sync tool
- AEM sync tool is just a handy tool that pushes code changes to AEM instance(s) upon a file change.
Coming soon…
In my next post I’ll describe my take aways from the following topics:
- Toughday
- AET – website monitoring with automated exploratory
- Karate – HTTP API testing
- JUnit 5 and Sling/AEM Mocks
Trending topics, outlook to coming features
- Java9 and OSGi R7
- Event driven, serverless solutions with Openwhisk
- Blockchain
- Feature model
- Sling scripting reloaded